that.., like babysitter in Ireland you must consciously prepare for it. It is a very responsible job, so you can't act impulsively, under the influence of emotions. You will be responsible for the person, which will be very much dependent on you. Therefore, it is worth considering, is this job for you?.

Am I fit for this job?

The first most important aspect is this, do you like looking after others, take care of their needs and help them with their daily activities. Carer of the sick person, disabled or older people must demonstrate a high level of empathy and willingness to help others. A smile and joy in life are essential. If you are full of positive energy, you like to help and spend time with other people, then this job is your best choice.
Fear of communicating in English
Knowledge of the English language is a necessary condition for this job. Of course, you don't need to be fluent in this language. The required level is the communication level. Before leaving, it is worth remembering the most important phrases and phrases. Perhaps you should enroll in a short conversation course? It depends on you. If you have concerns, if ,,linguistically "you can do it, then don't worry. Do not forget, that there is Google translator available on the mobile phone, in a crisis situation, when you lack professional vocabulary, e.g.. the name of the drug or disease, you can always use it. Besides, remember, that if you will use this language every day, you will get rid of the language barrier in no time.

What to take with you?

The eternal problem of probably all women. In this case, you have to approach it rationally. remember, that you are going away for a longer period. You should take into account the Irish climate, which is much cooler in summer than in Poland, while winter is much milder. Besides, there are frequent rains and strong winds. Therefore, you will not need skimpy summer clothes and a thick winter jacket. In turn, it is certainly good for your suitcase to have comfortable clothes and shoes, e.g.. jersey, t-shirts and sneakers. Na pewno w takim ubiorze będzie ci wygodniej wykonywać codzienne obowiązki związane z pielęgnacją osoby starszej/chorej i z realizacją domowych czynności, takich jak sprzątanie i gotowanie. Poza tym nie zapomnij o lekach, które przyjmujesz na stałe oraz niezbędnych dokumentach podróży. Jeżeli czegoś zapomnisz, nie martw się tam też są sklepy 😊

Jestem już na miejscu i co dalej?

Jeżeli dotarłaś na miejsce, zapoznałaś się ze swoim/swoją podopieczną/ym, dostałaś pokój, to czas aby się w nim rozgościć. Weź ze sobą, jakieś drobiazgi, które lubisz (zdjęcia, maskotki) one pozwolą poczuć ci się, jak w domu. Teraz czas na poznanie najbliższej okolicy, go on a walk, explore the town, in which you live. You'll see right away, you will feel better. Getting to know new places and people is always inspiring. Another important task, waiting for you is getting a PPS number, which is the equivalent of our tax identification number. Do not worry, how to do it, the family with whom you work and the agency will help you, who hired you. You will receive a number from the Social Welfare Office, you will need a passport or ID card. The card with the PPS number will come by post, this usually takes about two weeks. You can open a bank account with this number. And that's the end of bureaucracy. Sounds unbelievable? Now it remains for you to enjoy your work, meet new people, culture and a beautiful country, which is Ireland.